Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Blog#7 - Creative Breifs huh? *snicker* - Santano

Contrary to exceedingly popular belief, a Creative Brief is not in fact a very artistic type of underwear, but instead is a document sent between a client and designer during the initial stages of a project to outline what the project entails.

It is essentially a limiter. It reigns in the designer's creativity to a reasonable level and stops him from bouncing off the roof when all the client wanted was mild, manageable bouncing, something to write home to mom about.

It give guidelines to the designer so they can maintain a constant focus and not procrastinate, even though wow it's really interesting that thing that's going on outside maybe I should do a poster for sunny days instead! With sparkles and clouds and oh man what was I doing before? Whatever this is way more interesting I should charge him double for my awesome ideas!

... Don't do that.

It helps to maintain the focus of the project and prevent clients from insisting they told you three ninja squirrel and a monkey instead of the moderate two that you KNOW they asked for.

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