Blog #8 Why would you take into consideration culture when developing your artwork?
When developing your artwork, whether it be a visual communication project or just an at piece itself, culture should matter.
When one is a Graphic Designer and doing visual communication projects, Culture is definitely at the forefront. Why? Because one thing will mean completely separate things across different cultures, and also, by incorporating culture into your work, you are being aware and drawing people in with the cultural familiarity of your work.
To expound on those two points: Culture is what dictates what signs and symbols mean. So for example, if in your native country the colour yellow usually means happiness, and you want to convey something about happiness in an advertisement, but the culture of the area that the ad is to be shown associates yellow with death and mourning then you as the designer should know that that is a colour that would be inappropriate.
It is the same thing with language. Take my usual "Kaixo!" greeting that you see placed at the beginning of all my posts. That is a greeting of the Basque language. If I as a designer am trying to garner the attention of people in a area who are mostly Basque, even if they can speak and nderstand English, I wouldn't put "Hello!" on a billboard, but rather "Kaixo!" -even if the rest of the ad is in English. Why? Because this gains their attention b being culturally familiar.
Also, with culture, whether it means culture in terms of traditional practises, or even if it means modern day practises, still consider it as a designer. For example, inmdern times, it is more popular and efficient to send out ads via electronic means, as more people look at their phones rather than their environment, so since you know it is a digital culture, you as a designer can decide to disseminate message digitally.
Culture should always be a top considering factor for us designers.
Thank You
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