Monday, 7 December 2015

Blog #7-What is a creative brief and why is it important?

A creative brief  is a document produced by the client that contains the outlined instructions for work to be created by a designer before any work begins.

The creative brief is the beginning of designing process and as such is important because:

  1. It  gives the designer the direction that the client has decided to go in for a project. It also helps the designer with staying on-course with the goals and objectives for the client.
  2. It includes a basic schedule which helps designers keep deadlines for each part of the creative process. 
  3. It includes background information client which will help the research needed to create the design.

Thus, the creative brief starts the brainstorming process and helps ensure that the designer understands the  goal of the client.This then, essentially helps with how well the designer delivers their best creative response to client's request.

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