Thursday, 31 December 2015

Blog #3 In your opinion, what is the difference between a designer’s resume vs. a non-designer’s resume.

The difference between a designer and a none designer's resume is that a designer's resume with be more vibrant, creative and consist of both words and images. This will appeal to the reader's creative senses.

A none designer's resume will consist of only words and will lack creativity.

Blog #5 Explain the difference between an unsolicited and a solicited proposal. Also explain the difference between an internal and external proposal.

In a solicited proposal, a company or agency advertises that it desires the solution to a problem. In most cases, this company or agency sends out a request for proposals, often called an RFP, that presents a problem which needs addressing.

An unsolicited proposal is sent to a customer who has not requested it. Unsolicited proposals must be especially convincing since the customer has not anticipated, planned, or budgeted for the proposal. With an unsolicited proposal you run the risk that the customer won't even bother to read it since they didn't ask for it. However, the lack of competitive pressure with an unsolicited proposal often makes up for the risk.

Blog #6 From your perspective, what is the most difficult thing when doing a presentation?

The most difficult thing when presenting is losing your audience and or not connecting with them.

Blog #1 Describe your understanding of what is communication.

My understanding of communication is the transfer of information from one party to another with shared meaning. There must be some form of feedback to ensure that the message that was sent was received in the it was meant, thus achieving effective communication.

Blog #10- Name at least 1 thing that you believe you have learnt in this class.

One of the things I have learnt in class is that one person may be a great designer but a bad communicator and the other may be a not so great designer but an excellent communicator and the latter may end up being hired over the person with greater designer skills

Blog #5: The difference between an unsolicited and a solicited proposal. Also explain the difference between an internal and external proposal.

The difference between a solicited and unsolicited proposal is that, solicited proposals are those that are asked for by a client/potential client... While unsolicited proposals sent to a client/potential client based on initiative, with the intentions of retaining that client and or have them endeavour some new business ventures...or to obtain a new client and have them purchase your goods and services.

Blog #2: The Importance of planning before artwork.

It is very important to plan before undertaking an assignment, artwork in specific. The importance of planning is to keep organised, ensure deadlines are met and time is managed properly.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Blog #9 Is it important to practice Emotional Intelligence when conducting business communication? Why? What Is Emotional Intelligence?

According to Wikipedia it is the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. Also according to an article from Psychology Today it  is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include 3 skills:

1. Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others;

2. The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problems solving;

3. The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.

Having the ability to understand the emotions of people that you encounter in the professional environment can be of great advantage in business communication. This is true for both internal and external business communication. Being at the head of a company, it would be your responsibility to both hire and fire people. In the instance that you are firing a member of staff for breaking company rules. This said member of staff is known to have a bad temper, by knowing how that individual’s temperament this will allows you to properly prepare your approach to firing them so to lessen the negative response. Also as an employee it benefits you to know how to address your superiors in both written and spoken communication. Say for example that you have a new idea for the company to adapt, when approaching your higher ups to discuss accepting the idea it is up to you to know how they will respond. Understanding your boss’s emotions will help you to know exactly how to pitch the idea specifically for that person to get the desired response.

Blog #8 Why would you take into consideration culture when developing your artwork?

Culture must be taken into consideration as you never want to use visual imagery or verbal communication that may cause offence to the audience. Take for example blue jeans are a popular and well known fashion item in the western world however in North Korea it is seen as a symbol of American impirialisim. As a result wearing blue jeans has been band, and is a punishable criminal offence. Here in this example If an artist is commissioned to create any promotional material for the north Korean Market, he or she must take into consideration that this law will create some limitations as to what  images are deemed permissible for this market. 

Considering culture and truly understanding it can be to an artist advantage and have a positive effect as well. Take for example In a campaign that shows a truly "adventurous" approach to catching the eye of the young bi-cultural Latino market, Levi's took five young U.S. Hispanics on a journey this summer from Alaska to Argentina on the Pan-American Highway. Each of the five travelers were  fully dressed in Levi's new Work Wear line, stopping at ten different cities and pitching in on work projects involving the arts. Their experiences are documented in a ten-week reality show, "Norte a Sur: Una Ruta, 5 Experiencias" (North to South: One Route, 5 Experiences), that began airing in late September on Discovery en EspaƱol. The Levi's market research team took its understanding of the culture of their target audience. They discovered from reaserch that young Hispanics are even more likely than their general market counterparts to have smart phones, blogs, and  are indeed active users of social media. To build hype for the show, they gave each of the five pioneros iPhones, which they used throughout their journeys to post updates to the show's website and their own Facebook pages.  In this example we see were culture must be taken into consideration in order to effectively reach target audiences and communicate a company’s brand image and gain the appropriate consumer response.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Blog #7 What is a creative brief and why is it important?

The creative brief comes at the start of any design project at this point the designer sits with the client and gather all the information he’ll or she will need before starting the project. Information such as ; company history and values, objectives, instructions on the tone of voice and visual image the company would like to project, and an informal ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ to help steer the designer in the right direction.  This is when the designer ensures that nothing is left unclear. A brief goal is outlining exactly what the client wants, doesn’t want, likes and doesn’t like, gives the designer a solid foundation to start a project.

The word briefing comes from American military language and means a deployment discussion with a short description of the situation and explanation of the aims of the operation, and a detailed strategy. The term was introduced into advertising by the American advertising executive Rosser Reeves and the copywriter David Ogilvy, and was then adopted subsequently adapted by marketing executives. It has since become an important tool and is necessary in order to get a full scope of everything that a client needs to successfully archive the desired customer response. If this is not done the designer runs the terrible risk of missing the mark on what the client’s wishes to archive.

Blog #6 From your perspective, what is the most difficult thing when doing a presentation?

For me the most difficult thing about doing a presentation is about being in front of a audience definitely make me a bit nervous at first thought. However the more I do presentations is the less I feel that nervousness. Also if I know the people in the audience I become more comfortable about presenting to them. Practicing the material and becoming very familiar with it also make the experience much easier and far less stressful. Nothing else in my opinion is more difficult than standing before a room filled with people and then knowing that you will have to speak before them. Once this part of making a presentation is mastered it becomes a much easier task to face.

Blog #3: What's the difference between a designer’s resume and a non-designer’s resume?

One of the main differences between a designer’s resume and a non designer’s resume is the appearance. In the examples below fig.1 is a designer resume and fig.2 is a non designers resume. 

Both display Information about the applicants past work experience and technical skills. However on the designers resume the information is represented in a pictorial way as seeing under artistic skills. Here skills such as photography, typography and digital illustration are each represented by using pictorial graph to rate each skill area.  Also the picture of the applicant on the designer resume is cartoon based images unlike the non designers resume were this would be unacceptable.  On a regular resume information about the applicant is communicated by using only in words and is often listed as bullet points. 

A designer’s resume is most often done using a program that is closely associated with the trade such as Adobe illustrator, Photoshop or Adobe in designs. A designer’s resume as a rule of thumb is not ever done using programs such as Microsoft word as this would be counterproductive. A non designer’s resume must have the most recent work experience listed first with previous employment following in sequential order. Details of past job positions and duties is generally required. However with designers resume there is more creative freedom as to what information is listed and the order it will be presented. Also unlike a non designers resume there is a focus on the artistic creative abilities of the applicant versus their administrative capacity.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Blog #2: The Importance of planning before art work.

Planning before executing a piece of artwork may seem to be the last thing that one thinks of when you are about to do a piece. In fact most people just proceed to do it all in one go or without any set parameters or boundaries. However I have found that I have produced some of my best works of art after implementing some form of planning. Sometimes I start with an image or a sentence or an idea but making a note of what is going to be that spark of inspiration. Then after this collecting objects of interest and images that tell the story I have in my head I begin to make preliminary sketches. Depending on the subject of my inspiration I may do some literary research and collect other images. At this point I do a final sketch then begin on the final piece. This way of planning dose not necessary follow in a concurrent order however this kind of collecting information and inspiration allows me to work to archive my creative goal in a more efficient way compared to not using any kind of preparation before I produce art work. For example I was required to produce a painting 150”x 80” for a world aids day event.

1.   I got the theme of the event and wrote as the first point

2. I then sat down with the event coordinators and discuss with them the theme they had in more             detail. I then wrote down points of key interest and any must haves that the client had

3. I then began to write down my own thoughts about the subject

4. I then began to collect images that spoke to the theme I was working on

5. Begin preliminary sketches of the painting

6. Began doing research on the subject and collected videos more images that spoke to the theme

7. Do final sketch and present to the client for before the final work begins

8. Start the final art work painting of 150”x 80”

9. Final work is approved by client.

At the end I had a very satisfied customer and work flow system that results in high standard work. It is an important toll that all artist should consider utilizing to take advantage of its benefits.

Blog #10- Name at least 1 thing that you believe you have learnt in this class.

Here are two things that I've learnt:

  • Be Prepared 
                   Whether it is class presentation, interview or a meeting always come well prepared.

  Effective listener 

  Being an effective listener is a great tool in the business world .

Blog #9 : Is it important to practice Emotional Intelligence when conducting business communication? Why?

Definition: Emotional Intelligence Quotient is defined as a set of competencies demonstrating the ability one has to recognize his or her behaviors, moods, and impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation.

It is important to have emotional intelligence as times at work may need you to accurately recognize your co-workers moods; to manage moods or control over emotions; to respond  the appropriate (adaptive) emotions and behaviors in various situations especially to stress and difficult situations; and balancing of honest expression of emotions against courtesy, consideration and respect.

Blog #10-Name at least 1 thing that you believe you have learnt in this class.

The one thing I have learnt in class that really stuck with me is conducting presentations.

In learning how to present,  a few things became clearer:

  • How to manage time and still effectively get across my message to the audience. 
  • How to control nervousness when presenting.
  • Planning and preparation for the presentation.
  • Body language

Blog #8 : Why would you take into consideration culture when developing your artwork?

It is very crucial to know the demographic information of your client. People do not take cultural change lightly. 

Therefore, if the audience cannot relate to what you doing when you show them, whether if it clashes with their culture or belief, they won’t appreciate your art work.  

Blog #9-Is it important to practice Emotional Intelligence when conducting business communication? Why?

Emotional intelligence refers to having the ability to recognize and understand emotions and their impact on behavior and attitudes.

Having emotional intelligence when conducting business communication is important because it entails the following:

Social awareness enables an individual to become  in tune with his or her own emotions.This person is much more likely to be able to understand and empathize with the emotions that impact the attitudes and behaviors of others. This is why emotional importance is so valuable for persons in leadership roles within a business. It helps them to recognize what the needs of his people are, so that those needs can be met in a way that encourages higher performance and workplace satisfaction.

Personal competence comprises your self-awareness and self-management skills, which focus more on you individually than on your interactions with other people. Personal competence is your ability to stay aware of your emotions and manage your behavior and tendencies. This ultimately makes
communication better as you are able to control your body language,unconscious language that broadcasts our true feelings and intentions in any given moment. As well as deal with situations calmly.

The business world is always changing and emotions are becoming a much more important aspect of working relationships. Having emotional intelligence increases your chances of being more accepted on teams and considered for leadership positions. It can also set you apart from the competition when seeking a new position or promotion

Blog #8-Why would you take into consideration culture when developing your artwork?

Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. The world is large and not limited to our paradigm because as much as there a people in the world so too are varying beliefs.
A person's culture affects the way they view and understand the world thus I would  need to take the audience's perspectives into account. As a designer I should  cater for a diverse range of people because diversity means different ways of communication.This diversity will make understanding the artwork difficult as different ways of communication means there is a higher chance of miscommunication

Therefore, because cultural diversity affects communication, I need to take the culture of the audience into consideration and design an artwork that is culturally sensitive.

Blog #7 What is a creative brief and why is it important?

A creative brief is a document created through initial 

meetings, interviews, readings and discussions 

between a client and designer before any work begins. 

A good creative brief:

Sets expectations for the project. It answers key questions such as:§  What is the project? (i.e. banner ad, white paper, e-mail, etc.)
§  Why are we doing the project (i.e. sales, lead generation, brand awareness, etc.)
§  What are the deadlines for the project?
§  What are key deliverables for the project?

They Define the Audience§  I once had a salesperson come into my office and toss a brochure onto my desk. “Why did marketing make this?” the person asked. “Who is it designed for?”  They Show Desired ResultsA good creative brief prevents these issues by defining desired results. It answers questions like:§  What do we want to accomplish with this piece?
§  What action do we hope the prospect takes after they see it?
§  How will we know if they’ve taken it?
§  How will we measure success?

Blog #7-What is a creative brief and why is it important?

A creative brief  is a document produced by the client that contains the outlined instructions for work to be created by a designer before any work begins.

The creative brief is the beginning of designing process and as such is important because:

  1. It  gives the designer the direction that the client has decided to go in for a project. It also helps the designer with staying on-course with the goals and objectives for the client.
  2. It includes a basic schedule which helps designers keep deadlines for each part of the creative process. 
  3. It includes background information client which will help the research needed to create the design.

Thus, the creative brief starts the brainstorming process and helps ensure that the designer understands the  goal of the client.This then, essentially helps with how well the designer delivers their best creative response to client's request.

Blog #6 : From your perspective, what is the most difficult thing when doing a presentation?

Controlling my nerves: This is the most difficult thing when doing a presentation.  This usually happen when I did not spend enough time to properly prepare my information. When that is not done, you will forget important information and will make many mistakes when trying to explain what you have placed on your slides.
Careful preparation is essential. It’s a good idea to start early – you can never be too well- prepared. 

Proper preparation also helps one manage presentation nerves. When you know your material inside and out, you’re far less likely to feel nervous. 

Blog #10 - Name at least 1 thing that you believe you have learnt in this class.

What i have learned from this class is that when making presentations, whether internally to the higher ups or externally to a specific audience, there are many things to consider along the way. How long the presentation is, the colors and images used and cultural background the audience is from are very crucial to take in to consideration when presenting. Many things that we do and say here in Jamaica may just be offensive to someone of another culture, and coud mean the loss of potentia clients

Blog #9 Is it important to practice Emotional Intelligence when conducting business communication? Why?

We humans are emotional beings. We tend to attach ideas, experiences, places and items with some form of feeling to give it meaning. With emotions , one must be able to control them particularly in a business setting. They need have the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotion  and handle interpersonal relationships in a professional manner. This is what emotional intelligence is.
When dealing with clients , it is important to take out feeling,, such as hate, so that it will prevent any uncomfortable tension in the meeting. This can be detrimental for both you and the client if your emotions , whether because of the client or from another situation, prevents or interrupts the workflow and you losing that work.

Blog #8 Why would you take into consideration culture when developing your artwork?

When designing for another country/region, you need to take their culture into consideration. An example would be the thumbs up. If you put that in your design or during presentation, you probably would be thrown out. This is because in the Middle East, a thumbs up means "I'm gonna jam my thumb up your anus". Also consideration in the color used for the presentation must be taken into account, as this could cause some confusion in the message your trying to convey. In China, green hats represent that a man's wife is cheating on him and also exorcism, so you may want to think of a different color for any element in the resentation

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Blog #8: Why consider culture when designing artwork?

Culture plays a very important role in the type of artwork you create as a designer. The reason for this is that each culture is different which makes the message you deliver in each design different. For example: you can't use English on a design in a Spanish speaking country. You would have failed as a designer because the message in the design would not have been received. The role of culture in each design is important as it allows you to consider the strategy to take, the elements that will be used and methods that will be taken when completing an artwork. This ensures that it will be accepted by the culture it is being designed for and the messages can be interpreted. It allows you, as the designer, to become apart of the culture and to design an artwork that is culture made.

Blog #7: What is a Creative brief and why is it important?

A creative brief is a document that is used by designers to explain the details of a project . The use is to describe the  step by step layout of the project, the tasks that will be completed, the strategy to be taken and timeline in which it can be completed. It is important as it aids both the designer and the clients give any additional ideas or to make any adjustments to the ideas that was developed from meetings or interactions. The creative brief also allows for a agreement to be made by client and designer before any changes are done for a specific project.

Blog #6: Most difficult thing when doing a presentation

From a young age, I realized that I had the fear of standing in front a group of people to present ideas or information.  It didn't matter the size of the group or what I had to present, the minute it became an official presentation my confidence level was going to fall. The challenges I face while doing a presentation is getting the information across correctly and making eyes contact with the audience. The reason for this is because I am often times too nervous. I believe that if I don't, the purpose I serve as the presenter has been failed and I will be frowned upon. So over the years I have developed strategies to ensure that I am precise when making any official deliveries and occasionally make eye contact so I feel confident while presenting.

Blog #5: Difference between unsolicited and solicited proposals & difference between an internal and external proposal.

In order to understand the differences between unsolicited and solicited proposals one must first know what is a proposal. A proposal is an offer from a company or individual to a client or business promoting their services or what they can do to improve that client or business. An unsolicited proposal is developed by an company or an individual to gain potential clients without being asked to by the targeted client while an solicited proposal is when a company or client request a proposal from a client to get a specific job done.

The difference between an internal and an external proposal is that an internal proposal is often times used within an specific organization to request information from persons while an external proposal is used to request information from persons that do not have any relations with the company the proposal is being sent from.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Blog #7 What is a creative brief and why is it important?

The creative brief is a document created through initial meetings, readings and discussions between the designer and client. It is used as a guide throughout the creation of the design. with his document you can easily reference it back to check your progress. Also, if any modifications as to the specifics of the design work is needed it can be updated in the document. The creative brief is a tool that is the designer's companion.

Blog #2: The Importance of planning before artwork.

Planning before you start actually drawing is a frustrating process for me.In planning , you are able to write down the objectives of the art work as well as being able to narrow down on exactly what the design should say.This also helps to organize the your thoughts and that of the client to see if your on the same page. The planning typically done on paper  and can be modified with ease until something resembling the idea comes out. Though this step is rough, but  afterward ,one can be glad they did.

Blog #3: What's the difference between a designer’s resume and a non-designer’s resume?

A non-designer's resume is mainly bare text of information. So typically there is only one type face, with  a bare listing of information.The graphic designer's resume however, usually shows who the person is through their design artwork. The resume has a dynamic feel to it and the information displayed in such a way that it would interest a child to take a look.

Blog #4: Completing is the last stage of the writing process, why is it important?

Completing , as the last part of the writing process, is where the Work is checked and rechecked for any errors such as typo errors, grammatical errors, as well as the message being conveyed is clear. This often times all have fallen short of going through this step if at all. One such ad by the Creative kids Software  had "So Fun , They Won't know Their Learning", where really it should be 'there'. One can only wonder if the company themselves need to learn from their own products.

Blog #5: The difference between an unsolicited and a solicited proposal. Also explain the difference between an internal and external proposal.

The difference between a solicited and unsolicited proposal is that the solicited proposal is where the customer asks for a proposal while the unsolicited is the one in which you send the consumer the proposal without being asked by them because you believe they should buy from you.
The difference between the internal and the external proposal is that the former is for those within the company, usually to be presented to those in management or the upper levels of the business while the latter is what you would sell a service or product to the audience outside.

Blog #6- From your perspective, what is the most difficult thing when doing a presentation?

I find starting the first minute of the presentation to be difficult. This is the time you  need to grab the audience's  attention, as well as the part which you can easily chock on. How i cope is to try and imagine that i'm talking to cooks as in the food adventure with a rat, Ratatouille. It is unnerving when your not sure if your have their attention focused or not, but i just mow on through.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Blog #6: What is the most difficult thing when doing a presentation?

Presentations always shake me up. I wouldn’t say they’re difficult but, if I didn’t have to do them I wouldn’t. The most difficult thing I find when doing a presentation is keeping my confidence and energy up. I feel as thou my confidence and whatever tone I have while giving a presentation will decide if I have or lose their attention and affect the audience’s possible involvement. If I lack confidence they will see the fear in my eyes and not give me the respect and attention I need to properly communicate what I’m trying to get across to them.

Blog #5: The difference between an unsolicited and a solicited proposal. Also explain the difference between an internal and external proposal.

Unsolicited proposals give an opportunity for designers to work on the projects they want to work on. But they're scary. Scary because they didn't ask for it so it's not really hard for them to say no to your ideas and vision. Solicited proposals are also pretty scary. Scary because you're probably not the only one proposing some cool new idea. With both solicited and unsolicited proposals, your A game has to be on. Clear and precise communication is key and could be the deciding factor on your proposal being chosen. External proposals are directed toward customers or clients outside the business. Internal proposals are directed at people within the business. Nonetheless they both come from within a specific business.

Blog #4: Completing is the last stage of the writing process, why is it important?

Completing the message is all about your image.  Last thing you want is someone having to shake their head at a silly typing error that slipped by. I think it happens to everyone. We all think we're great writers until it happen and we’re reminded that we’re really not. That’s why completing a message, from spell check to font to distribution is so important. It's all about the image.

Blog #3: What's the difference between a designer’s resume and a non-designer’s resume?

What's the difference between a designer’s resume and a non-designer’s resume? Non-designer's resumes are boring. I'm sorry but it's true. Letters on a page. It used to scare me as a child to think about having to write a resume and apply for a job. I didn't know the format, the layout, it was so uptight. I think some designer do what they do and choose this career path to not try to not also be boring. A designer's resume is creative. You can see the designer's taste and design style sometimes by looking at their resume, or at least that's what I try to go for. A designer's resume is designed. 

Blog #2: The Importance of planning before artwork.

Sometimes I find planning artwork before actually doing it can become a tedious, time consumer that can affect the length of a project. When someone tells me about something they're working on or I hear about some idea a friend has I immediately think of the visuals that would represent that idea. Over thinking sometimes makes me feel as if I lose the inspiration of what I had initially envisioned the artwork to really be and then it becomes something totally new. However, planning can make the difference between a logo that's just okay and a real impactful logo that stays with the consumer. Other planning hurdles I may have to cross is if the logo would be properly duplicated across many mediums. Often I decide how deep the planning process goes on the needs of the client. LOL or how I'm feeling at the time.