Friday, 9 October 2015

Completing the writing process

In the final or completing stages of writing, the main thing that is required in order to have an excellent literary piece is to edit and review the work before it can be published.  This stage is most important as it allows us to pay close attention to the fine details that may have been over looked in the initial stages of the writing process where brainstorming, planning and drafting are the main focus.  After the writer has gotten all of his or her ideas clearly communicated it is at this point we must look for spelling and grammatical errors and correct them.

If this is not done the reader of a piece of literature with spelling or grammatical errors, will become distracted by this and the writer then loses his or her audience. For example, an application letter that has been properly edited and has excellent sentence structure and free off spelling errors will certainly gain more attention from a potential employer than on that has errors.

Editing and review is the most important part of the writing process and completes the writing process as it ensures that the writer is able to clearly communicate his or her ideas or point across clearly to their audience. Without it the writer of any piece of literature runs the risk of losing the reader and even might lead to a miscommunication of their ideas.

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