Friday, 2 October 2015

Blog #2: Importance of planning before working on your artwork

When designing or creating a concept, it is always better to have a plan with the strategies you wish to accomplish. In my opinion planning allows you to take into consideration the "what ifs" and also factors that can either hinder or support the creative process of your artwork. A few reasons why planning is of great importance are as follows:

  • It improves effective communication with the client and/or other co-workers.
  • Reduces the amount of time spent on the developmental and creation process of the artwork.
  • Allows you to meet client criteria and deadlines.
  • Improves the quality of the work produced.
  • Gives you a better understanding of what is needed by the specific client for that specific job. 
  • Allows the design process to flow without constant interruptions

Planning for your artwork can be both formal and informal as long as you the designer(s) understand what is required from the client. It also aids in improving your design and creative skills. Your artwork is a reflection of you and it requires patience and proper planning as it reduces confusion in the creation process thus resulting in the production of better quality work.

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