Friday, 13 November 2015

Blog #8 Why would you take into consideration culture when developing your artwork?

Some cultures find the color red offensive where other cultures may see red as a celebration like in Asians nations. This simply knowledge makes a world of difference and can be based on geographical location. In a dynamic world where a delicious treat such as a Jamaican bulla can go sour in Trinadad where it carries a different meaning, you would not want to ask for a delicious brown and spicy bulla in Trinidad, because a bulla in Trinidad refers to a homosexual.
As a trained and experienced designer we know that first impressions last, if we get the first impression wrong then there might not be a second chance to correct the matter and the possible potential to lose a once faithful client. With so many competition for work, a designer can not afford to not research the culture that his presentation or designs will be displayed. Research has always been a vital part of the design and creation process and with powerful online research tools now available, there should be no excuse to understanding the culture where presentations are being made.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is important to take culture into consideration when creating an artwork so as to not insult one's culture. Things have different meanings as we go from region to region and what one culture may see as ok, another may see as being offensive.
