Communication is the transmission of data over a channel in a cyclical pattern, there are several components to communication and they are as follows; the sender, the message, the encoding, the channel, the decoding, the receiver and feedback. To understand communication even better let us define each of these components. The sender represents where the message originated, in other words the sender is the person making a statement or requesting information. The message represent the actual data that is being sent. Encoding represents the structure of the concept or idea the message should convey. Channels are the route that was chosen to disseminate the message, in most cases are verbal but can also no verbal such as sign languages or body gestures. Body gestures usually complement hand gestures and verbal communication to give a fuller message. Channels are usually susceptible to noise/interference that usually gets compounded as physical distance gets longer. Noise in communication usually represents anything that affects the clarity or can slow down communication. After a channel is selected and before a message can reach the receiver of the message it must be decoded, a message decoded represents how a message is interpreted and like encoding is affected by levels of knowledge. The receiver is the intended recipient of the message. At the end of a transmission information has to be relayed back to sender to ensure that the message was clear and interpreted correctly, wither the original sender makes a request for this information or the receiver volunteers this information, this information is called feedback and completes the cycle of basic communication.
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