Friday, 18 September 2015

Blog #1: My Understanding of Communication

Communication is the transference of information from one entity to another with shared meaning and feedback. To me, this means that communication is one of the hardest tasks humans have to do. Because if you really think about it, you are trying to make another person understand what is in your mind. Now humans do not have innate mind reading powers, so trying to project what is in your mind to someone else's is extremely difficult.

With humans being such complex beings, communication is proved to be even harder. This is because not only do we use oral and written forms of communication, bodily gestures are also a big part of it. As a result message distortion can easily happen. It is mainly based upon the media through which the message is sent. However, the difference in culture and knowledge of the sender and receiver also plays a main role. 

So overall communication is an essential part of the everyday experience as well as in me becoming a design professional.  I have to strive to always get the message across so that the receiver and myself as the sender have shared meaning as to enable feedback. As I have come to understand that communication is the bridge between minds and to a larger extent worlds.

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